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中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-12-24 15:10


前段时间,社交平台上有人发帖求助自己的智能手表吸在高铁窗玻璃上取不下来了怎么办?试过用手抠,甚至用力拔,手表都纹丝不动! Have you ever tried attaching a smartwatch to the high-speed train window? Don't do it. A net user who experimented with doing so said it was impossible to remove it no matter what method is used. 图源网络 帖子火了之后吸引了不少“不信邪”的网友效仿,结果一块块手表纷纷粘上了高铁玻璃,有网友调侃道: “苹果CEO可能都没有想到,购买苹果手表的人居然这么热爱‘Windows’。” 还有网友给自己的智能手表开发了新的“粘贴”场景,镜子、自家窗户等等,都留下了手表“遗世而独立”的照片。 Many netizens, out of curiosity, attempted to replicate the situation described in the post on the high-speed train, even on the glass or mirrors in their own homes, only to find their watches getting stuck. 这下子 ………………………………

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