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可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2024-07-01 08:00
点击下方名片关注我们导读法国伊夫林省一家野生动物园23日发生一起狼袭击人事件,遇袭者为一名37岁女性,在事件中受重伤。有关方面已对此事展开调查。事件发生在位于巴黎以西约50公里的图瓦里野生动物园。以下是外媒报道。双语文本A woman is in intensive care after being attacked by wolves while jogging in an animal park near Paris, French media report. They say that early on Sunday the 36-year-old victim - who was staying at a lodge within Thoiry park - strayed into the main safari zone, which is reserved for cars.据法国媒体报道,一名女子在巴黎附近的一个动物园慢跑时遭到狼群袭击,目前正在重症监护室接受治疗。媒体表示,周日早上,这名36岁的受害者当时住在图瓦里公园的一间小屋里,误入了野生动物园主区,该区是汽车专用的。She was set upon by three arctic wolves and suffered severe bites to her neck, back and a ………………………………

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