专栏名称: 何凯文考研英语
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何凯文考研英语  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2021-10-11 23:19
这段视频应该能疗愈现在的你!一直以来大家都在以瘦为美,甚至前些年法国还出现了为了追求极瘦的身材而饿死的模特,以致于欧洲好几个国家都出台法律禁止时尚业使用过瘦的模特;人们开始思考:瘦就一定美吗?人们开始不那么追求瘦了,但是作者认为一个新的不好的趋势又出现了。今天的句子:But as we move away from the skinny goals of the mid-2000s and embrace different shapes and sizes, one group of campaigners has taken things a step too far. Fronted by plus-sized models and social media influencers, the fat acceptance movement aims to normalize obesity, letting everyone know that it’s fine to be fat.思考题:There is a new campaign to embrace the idea of being fat.感谢参与投票:词汇突破:1.Move away from:远离2. skinny goal 保持瘦的目标3. embrace ………………………………

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