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中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-22 18:07


近日,浙江德清县的邓女士家里的一只苹果长出了“白色蘑菇”,拍了照片发到社交媒体上后获得众多点赞。 还收到中国科学院昆明植物研究所在读博士许容聚的私信,求购这只苹果做研究。 When Ms Deng from Deqing county, East China's Zhejiang province stumbled upon this botanical oddity in her home, she did what any of us would do: she snapped a pic and shared it on social media. Little did she know, her post would blow up quickly, racking up a whopping 30,000 likes and catching the eyes of some seriously excited researchers, one of them being Xu Rongzhu. 相关话题引发网友们的 广泛关注。日前,邓女士已经将苹果赠送给科研人员做研究,科研人员也在社交媒体公布了最新的研究进展。   科研人员:有研究价值 7月11日,许容聚博士回应表示,“感谢博主把苹果寄过来,我们已经切开观察并接种,这株菌株非常强壮,有研究价值。” ………………………………

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