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Robin经济学人双语精读  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-01-17 08:13
# 写在前面的话阅读Espresso资讯了解全球动态在零碎时间、地道阅读中每天学习20-30词汇轻松搞定英语学习单词关适用人群【高考-考研-托雅】板块使用方法阅读原文1阅读双语参考2打卡学习-互动背单词3The World in Brief原文阅读Around 10,000 farmers parked trucks and tractors in one of Berlin’s central avenues to protest against taxes. The demonstration was set off by the government’s decision to end subsidies for fuel used in agriculture and to cut an exemption from car tax for farm vehicles. Christian Lindner, Germany’s finance minister, told farmers at the protest that the government “can’t promise” more “state aid”.After a meeting in Cairo, China’s foreign minister, Wang Yi, and Egypt’s president, Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi, called for a ceasefire in Gaza and expressed concern over freedom of navigation in the Red Sea. America has launched air strikes against the Yemen-based Houthi rebels attacking ca ………………………………

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