继长白山“朝圣”,张家界“尽孝”之后,上海成为了韩国游客的新爱。 近日,《南华早报》的文章生动地描述了繁华的上海街道挤满了梳着标志性韩式发型、讲韩语的游客的场景: Shanghai appears to have become the new darling for Koreans on a weekend getaway to escape work stress and political turmoil at home, as they swarm the city’s glitzy streets and back alleys. Koreans, speaking their language and donning haircuts and outfits synonymous with Korean fashion, can be seen snapping photos at Instagram-worthy attractions such as the Oriental Pearl Tower, in the Lujiazui financial district and at the Huangpu River promenade. 《上海日报》也官方玩起了“沪爷”的梗,说上海街头最近两样东西最拉风,一样是市民们的豪车,一样是发型特征明显的韩国“欧巴”。 曾经对中国免签政策不以为意的韩国网友,如今坐在羊肉串店里顶着冰凉贴疯狂撸串的韩