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环球时报  · 公众号  · 社会  · 2018-09-15 21:33
中国经济崛起的背后:是汗水不是骗术。An American friend asked me: "Why is China successful?" This summer I went to east China's Zhejiang Province on holiday. The region has the most vibrant economy in the country. I asked my local guide what is the one word that defines his compatriots, and he said, "eagerness." That sums up who we are as Chinese.一位美国朋友问我:“中国为什么会成功?今年夏天我去浙江度假,这里是中国最具活力的地方。我问导游,如果用一个词来概括家乡人,会是哪个词。他说‘奋斗’。”没错,这个词大概勾画了我们这个民族的特质。Chinese labor productivity grows at 9 percent annually, the highest in the world. The country has maintained a strong labor force and high rates of working women. This year, China broke into the world's top-20 most innovative economies for ………………………………

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