国产游戏《黑神话:悟空》发售以来, 其热度在海内外依旧不减。 除游戏本身外,游戏中每章节末 制作精良的动画短片也大放异彩。 其中,作为游戏通关结局出现的 动画短片《未尽》 惊艳出圈。 《黑神话:悟空》第六章章节动画《未尽》截图 Since its release two months ago, Black Myth: Wukong has captivated global audiences worldwide. Beyond the gameplay, the game's beautifully animated shorts, shown at the end of each chapter, have received widespread acclaim. Most notably, the hidden ending short Unfinished has amazed viewers with its unique style. 《黑神话:悟空》第六章章节动画《未尽》片段 “意犹未尽” “顶级动画团队的制作” “游戏的点睛之笔” “人物、色彩、构图、动态无一不美” 在评论区,中国网友赞不绝口↓ 有人看完表示: “希望这是中国动画的新起点” 还有不少人呼吁, 未来能按《未尽》