专栏名称: 51选刊
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Call for paper (IF 19.227):截止2023年2月28日

51选刊  · 公众号  ·  · 2022-12-20 23:05
编者按科研人员,是否需要关注认知与睡眠?“脑认知与睡眠”公众号,主要关注大脑的学习认知,与睡眠相关的科研资讯与科普,同时搭建一个“脑认知与睡眠”研究方向的科研人员交流平台~~感兴趣的可以长按/扫下面的二维码关注。微信公众号二维码BBI horizons: a methodological roadmap for the “next generation” of BBI researchManuscript submission information:The Journal’s submission system is open for submissions, when submitting your manuscript please select the article type “VSI: BBI Horizons”. Please submit your manuscript before 28 Feb 2023.Description: We are fast approaching 50 years since the first description of psychoimmunology. Since these landmark discoveries, our collective understanding of the inner workings of the brain and its bidirectional connection with various body systems has evolved profoundly. The interdisciplinary nature of BBI research and the innovation that under ………………………………

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