专栏名称: 跨境电商跨境屋
跨境电商,跨境电商免费招聘,跨境电商免费公开课,跨境电商万人专业社群,跨境电商万人群组,跨境电商出口和跨境电商进口平台。跨境电商干货,跨境电商亚马逊和跨境电商速卖通。跨境电商跨境屋 跨境电商ebay 跨境电商wish
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跨境电商跨境屋  · 公众号  · 跨境电商  · 2020-09-05 08:30
2020年太魔幻了!由于线下实体店普遍受到新冠疫情影响,全球的电商行业大都处于欣欣向荣的状态,各个上市电商平台的股价都在蹭蹭上涨!然而,也有例外。中东知名电商平台,总部位于迪拜的Awok,去年才披露融了3000万美元,今年竟然关门了!现在打开Awok官网,会看到它的公告:Awok's journey as a mass market e-commerce player has unfortunately come to an end, and the company has ceased operations. After seven incredible years of saving money for our customers by creating regional business and a platform for our suppliers and sellers, we are sad to inform you that given the current global situation it left the company no other choice than to close its platform for good.  The ambition of the company was to bring choice and affordability to everyone in the MENA region by building infras ………………………………

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