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Training center set to help cultivate Kazakh logistics talent

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2024-07-03 12:30
A China-invested intelligent logistics training center in Almaty, Kazakhstan, construction of which is expected to be finished in October, is expected to offer classes to about 200 people by the end of the year.The center will aim to improve professional skills and increase job opportunities for local people.Codeveloped by Urumqi Vocational University in Urumqi, Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, the Academy of Logistics and Transport in Almaty, and Chinese e-commerce giant JD, the training center will serve students at the academy as well as employees of Chinese enterprises and citizens of Kazakhstan.Courses will include warehousing and distribution, freight forwarding, and cross-border e-commerce operations, according to the academy.Tang Xiaobing, Party secretary of Urumqi Vocational University, said that as the economic exchanges and cultural interactions among China, Kazakhstan and other countries along the Silk Road are strengthening, the transportation and logistics industry is pl ………………………………

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