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中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-02-16 16:00


2月11日,语言学习工具软件“多邻国”官方账号发文宣布,其吉祥物——猫头鹰 “ D u o ” (曾被称为“多邻国猫头鹰”)已经“去世”。 One of the world's most famous cartoon owls got its heavenly wings this week after language-learning platform Duolingo announced the death of its beloved avian mascot. 消息一出,立刻冲上微博热搜第一名。 官方声明中写道:“我们怀着沉重的心情告诉大家,Duo——曾被称为多邻国猫头鹰——已故。我们目前正在调查他的死因。老实说, 他可能是在等你做作业的时候死的, 但我们也不太清楚。我们知道他树敌众多,但是请求 大家不要在评论区分享对他不满的原因。 It is with heavy hearts that we inform you that Duo, formally known as The Duolingo Owl, is dead.  Authorities are currently investigating his cause of death and we are cooperating fully. Tbh, he probably died waiting for you to do your lesson, b ………………………………

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