7月19日,温州医科大学附属第一医院李晟医生在门诊诊疗中被砍出多处致命伤,抢救无效,不幸去世。“医闹”问题再次引发热议。 01 “医闹”怎么说 1)violence against medical personnels China Daily: The Chinese Medical Doctor Association issued a statement on Saturday condemning any form of violence against medical personnels and reaffirming their unwavering commitment to defending the dignity of healthcare workers after a doctor was attacked to death in Wenzhou, Zhejiang province. 中国医师协会于周六发表声明,谴责任何形式的针对医务人员的暴力行为,并重申坚定捍卫医务人员尊严的决心。这一声明发布于浙江省温州市一名医生遭袭致死事件之后。 personnels [ˌpɜːsəˈnel] 作复数时指 the people who work for an organization or one of the armed forces “全体人员,职员”,如: sales / technical / medical / security / military, etc. personnels 推销、