人总是会在不同年纪反复爱上“猴哥”,最近中国首款3A游戏《黑神话:悟空》连日霸榜热搜,受到全球玩家的追捧。游戏高度还原了气势宏伟的中国古建,不少取景地随之声名鹊起,迎来“泼天富贵”,中国文化再一次惊艳世界。 The Chinese mythological hero Wukong, whose popularity has surged worldwide thanks to a new video game, has also sparked a tourism boom as travelers seek out certain destinations with ancient architecture and heavy Chinese vibes. 《 黑神话:悟空》取材自中国神话小说《西游记》,于今年8月20号正式在全球上线。游戏制作方在国内36个取景地通过高清扫描取景,将古典恢弘且底蕴深厚的中国古建筑巧妙地融入游戏场景中,让玩家犹如身临其境,感受千年壁画、佛像、古塔和石窟等带来的视觉震撼。 Lively discussion of Black Myth: Wukong has circulated on the internet after the Chinese-developed vi