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北外李晨:带儿子朗读英语儿歌"Bed in Summer"

李晨老师教英文  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2018-05-15 22:28
↓↓↓父子对话录音↓↓↓Nigel,2010年7月出生,二年级小学生。上图摄于2016年4月。Bed in Summerby Robert Louis StevensonIn winter I get up at night↘And dress by yellow candle-light↘,In Summer, quite the other way↗,I have to go to bed by day↘.I have to go to bed and see↗The birds still hopping on the tree↘,Or hear the grown-up people's feet↗Still going past me in the street↘.And does it not seem hard to you↘,When all the sky is clear and blue↘,And I should like so much to play↗,To have to go to bed by day↗?难点小结1、本文标注的语调并不是唯一的朗读模式;2、连读:get up, clear and blue; 【复合词的连读 candle-light, grown-up】;3、弱读: and 在本次朗读中有多种弱读形式 /ənd/、/nd/ 和 /n/ 都有可能出现,要灵活运用;to 弱读成 /tə/;should 弱读成 /ʃəd/ ………………………………

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