这是范叔为你准备的 『九言』 7.5 很多事情你只要往好的方向想,它就会慢慢变好。 Many things will gradually improve as long as you think in a positive direction. 心智成熟的人,能看见事实,能透过现象见本质。 A mature person can see facts and see essence through phenomena. 该来的朋友,时间到了自然而来,该去的朋友,勉强得如果吃力,不如算了。 Friends who should come naturally come when time comes, and friends who should go, if it's difficult, it's better to forget. 磨砺心智,为此读书、听音乐、欣赏戏剧、接触文化。 To sharpen one's mind, one should read, listen to music, appreciate drama, and be exposed to culture. 世上所有的强大,靠的都是经历和阅历的沉淀。 All strength in the world relies on the accumulation of experience and experience. 走上人生的路途吧,前途很远,也很暗。然而不要怕,不怕的人才有前路。 Embark on the path of l