专栏名称: 中国日报双语新闻
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中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-20 08:00


你对中国有着怎样的印象?是繁华都市的霓虹灯海,还是古老村落的青瓦白墙?是传统文化的深厚底蕴,还是现代生活的潮流气息? What comes to mind when you think of China? Is it the dazzling neon-lit skylines of bustling metropolises, or the serene beauty of ancient villages painted in blue and white? Perhaps it's the profound traditions steeped in history, or the dynamic energy of modern life pulsating through its streets.  “我和我的中国故事”摄影 & 短视频案例征集活动今天正式开启 ,用镜头和文字,记录你眼中的中国,分享你心中的故事,展示你的创意,传递你的情感,让世界更加了解真实的中国。 Join us now in the "Me and My China Story" Photography & Short Video Case Collection, where we invite you to capture, through lens and verse, the China that resonates within your gaze and the stories that stir within your heart.   征集主题   围绕 “中国的壮丽 ………………………………

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