这段时间, “酒店洗衣攻略”在网络上大火。住宿舍的大学生、租房住的上班族流行把酒店的钟点房“薅”成了洗衣房,甚至有网友在网上发起“拼单”开房洗衣的申请。 The practice of using hotel hourly rooms as impromptu laundromats as a cost-saving measure has gained traction among university students in dormitories and workers renting apartments. Some individuals have even begun coordinating shared bookings to divide the expenses. 社交平台上,不仅有酒店洗衣的详细攻略,留言区还有成百上千的追问或者洗衣注意提示,甚至还有酒店洗衣机的“好用”对比。不少洗衣攻略也提及,在洗衣间隙,到酒店健身房锻炼,或是在房间洗漱、看电影。“可谓一箭多雕。” Social media platforms abound with detailed guides on utilizing hotel laundry facilities, along with a plethora of queries, laundry tips, and comparisons of laundry services offered by various