9月9日, 张杰工作室就福州演唱会上随口说出的电话号码引得众多粉丝拨打,从而给号主带来不便的问题发文道歉, 称一直在积极联系机主,希望有机会能够直接致歉,目前正在协商解决方案。 工作室表示,“ 虚心接受大家的批评指正,接下来将全力做好补救措施,同时也恳请大家不要再去打扰机主。 ” Chinese singer Zhang Jie's team apologized after the pop star casually mentioned a phone number during a recent concert, resulting in numerous fans calling the number and causing trouble for its owner. In a statement posted on Monday, Zhang's studio requested that fans refrain from calling the owner's phone. "We extend our sincerest apologies once again, to both the owner and anyone else affected by this," the statement read. 据网友爆料称,9月6日张杰福州演唱会的舞台互动环节中,张杰随口说出的号码引得众多粉丝打去电话。 这串号码前8位“