秋风紧, 金黄的树叶随风飘落在寂静的大地上,铺就了一条绚丽的道路 。露水更冷,甚至开始成霜 。冬天的脚步,近了。 图源:东方IC 寒露是深秋的节令,是天气由凉爽向寒冷转变的时节。寒露节气后,日照减少,热气逐渐退去,寒气渐生,昼夜温差较大。比起夏天的生机勃勃,深秋多少有些萧瑟。 In the late autumn, Hanlu , or Cold Dew, marks the transition from cool to cold weather. After the Cold Dew, sunlight diminishes, warmth gradually recedes, and chill begins to take hold, leading to significant temperature differences between day and night. Compared to the vitality of summer, d eep autumn carries a touch of melancholy. 图源:视觉中国 寒露也是丰收的季节,各种农作物纷纷成熟,为人们 带来丰收的喜悦。 我国古代将寒露分为三候:“一候鸿雁来宾,二候雀入大水为蛤,三候菊有黄华。”这意味着