宁静的海滩上 有格调的咖啡馆 你刚买了一份三明治 正准备拍照发朋友圈 一只调皮的海鸥突然俯冲过来 把它抢走了 海鸥资料图。图源:视觉中国 This type of incident is not unusual at one sandwich shop in Scotland, UK. 这种情况在英国苏格兰的一家三明治店很常见。 "The gulls are super aggressive and terrifying. We are a family-run business, and I can't just sit and watch a sandwich get stolen and not replace it, so I always give another for free," said Kate Carter-Larg, 35, co-owner of the shop, in an interview with The Mirror. “海鸥非常凶猛,很吓人。我们是家族经营的店铺,我不能眼睁睁看着客人三明治被抢,所以我总是会免费再给一个,”35岁的店主凯特·卡特-拉格(Kate Carter-Larg)在接受《镜报》采访时说道。 评论区也有不少深受其害的网友: 网友:海鸥一点都不怕人 网友:被海鸥抢了两次,7镑买的食物 According to