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Nose idioms

LizzzEnglish  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-12-29 18:37
二零一八二零一八二零一八二零一八二零一八二Nose idioms For nose idioms, there are so many useful phrases and they are easily to be understood. This time, I pick six of them and want to share with you. It is so much fun to use them...So have fun learning...二零一八二零一八二零一八二零一八二零一八二二零一八二零一八二零一八二零一八二零一八二零二零一八二零一八二零一八二零一八二零一八二零二零一八二零一八二零一八二零一八二零一八二零点击边框调出视频工具条     Keep your nose clean 不卷入是非He is nosy 爱管闲事Nose around 四处探听Have a nose for something 对...嗅觉灵敏Brownnose 拍马屁Follow your nose 跟着感觉走二零一八二零一八二零一八二零一八二零一八二零二零一八二零一八二零一八二零一八二零一八二零二 ………………………………

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