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中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-22 07:20


秋分,二十四节气中的平衡之日,昼夜平分。清晨的微风轻拂,空气中弥漫着果实的香气,田野中,金黄的稻穗在阳光下闪闪发光,仿佛一幅丰收的画卷。枝头的叶子开始染上金红色,微凉的秋意悄然而至。 The Autumn Equinox marks a day of balance, the equal division of day and night. A gentle morning breeze stirs, carrying the fragrance of ripe fruit through the air. In the fields, golden rice stalks shimmer under the sunlight, resembling a painting of harvest. The leaves begin to turn into shades of golden red, as the subtle chill of autumn quietly arrives. 图源:东方IC 秋分不仅是季节更替的标志,更承载着丰富的历史与文化意义。在古代,秋分被视为阴阳平衡的时刻,象征着自然的和谐与稳定。 Not only a marker of seasonal change, the Autumn Equinox also carries deep historical and cultural significance. In ancient times, it was regarded as a moment of balance betwe ………………………………

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