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社评:中国减贫实践,给世界提供借鉴丨Exemplary poverty alleviation success

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2021-04-07 10:38
The State Council Information Office released a white paper, China's Practice in Poverty Reduction, on Tuesday which shares with the world how China has achieved its goal of eradicating abject poverty from the country.With a population of nearly one-fifth of the world's total, it has been an immense challenge for China to lift more than 770 million poverty-stricken rural villagers out of poverty in a little more than four decades since the reform and opening-up policy was implemented in the late 1970s.▲ A farmer picks tomatoes in a greenhouse in Tangwan, a village in Huanjiang Maonan autonomous county, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, on May 12, 2020. Photo/XinhuaIn accordance with the World Bank's international poverty line, the total number of people China has lifted out of poverty is 70 percent of the world's total in the same period. The country has attained the poverty al ………………………………

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