多数人在享用果蔬时都会去掉外皮,因为外皮没有果肉那般美味。实际上,许多果蔬的外皮不仅能吃,而且营养价值更为丰富。一起来看看对人体健康最有益的8种果蔬皮。 番茄皮 注册营养师万娜春指出,番茄皮富含抗氧化剂番茄红素,有助于补充胶原蛋白,保护皮肤免受阳光伤害,使皮肤更加光滑年轻。” "Tomato skins are rich in the antioxidant lycopene, which helps boost collagen and protect against sun damage, leaving skin more smooth and youthful,” said Wan Na Chun, a registered dietitian. 番茄皮中的番茄红素含量是果肉的2.5倍。番茄皮所含的锌、锰、铜等微量营养素也很丰富。 Tomato skin has 2.5 times more lycopene than the pulp. When it comes to micronutrients, the skin also offers plenty, including zinc, manganese, and copper. 图源:Pexels 猕猴桃皮 预防心脏病学营养师卢森斯坦表示:“我喜欢连皮吃猕猴桃,因为