据外媒报道,日本国土交通省3日通报称,丰田、本田、马自达、雅马哈、铃木5家汽车、机车生产企业在申请车型生产认证时存在舞弊行为。当天,丰田、本田、马自达企业高管分别召开记者会,就此事道歉。 A safety test scandal at Japanese automakers widened on Monday, with Toyota Motor and Mazda, both halting shipments of some vehicles after Japan's transport ministry found irregularities in applications to certify certain models. The irregularities were also found in applications from Honda, Suzuki, and Yamaha Motor, the ministry said. The automakers were found to have submitted incorrect or manipulated test data when they applied for certification of the vehicles. 丰田集团社长丰田章男3日召开记者会道歉。图源:日媒 本田技研工业社长三部敏宏(中)等本田高管3日召开记者会道歉。图源:日媒 马自达社长毛笼胜弘(右)等马自达高管3日召开记者会