又到一年毕业季,众多国际留学生选择留在中国,特别是上海,作为他们职业生涯的第一站。 It's graduation season again, and many international students choose to stay in China, especially Shanghai, as their first stop in their career. 这里有现代的摩天大楼,也有静谧的石库门弄堂,这里有繁华的霓虹,也有深厚的历史沉淀。 Here, amid modern skyscrapers and serene Shikumen lanes, the glitter of vibrant neon lights meets the depth of historical heritage. 图源:东方IC 这里有国际一流的购物街区,让你尽情享受购物的乐趣;这里有琳琅满目的美食佳肴,满足你对味蕾的无限追求。 Here, world-class shopping centers let you indulge in the joy of shopping to your heart's content; here, there are bountiful varieties of delicious foods to satisfy your taste buds. 图源: 东方IC 这里有便捷的交通网络,带你轻松穿梭于城市的每个角落;这里的生活环境