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Editorial丨Middle East at momentous crossroad

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2024-07-01 11:59
Tensions between Israel and Lebanon's Iran-backed Hezbollah were effectively eased last week thanks to the mediation efforts that successfully hammered home the point that an all-out war between the two sides will serve no party's interest. That makes more sense if the presidential elections of both Iran and the United States are taken into account.▲This photo taken on June 29, 2024 shows a building destroyed by an Israeli airstrike in Houla, Lebanon. A Hezbollah member was killed and three others wounded on Saturday in two separate Israeli airstrikes on the southeastern Lebanese village of Houla, Lebanese military sources told Xinhua. [Photo/Xinhua]But the Houthi of Yemen and the Islamic Resistance of Iraq, both backed by Iran, launched at least two joint attacks on Israel's Haifa port last week, and claimed their anti-Israel military collaboration will intensify. So the latest attacks on Haifa indicate Teheran and its regional allies are seeking to put Israel under continued intern ………………………………

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