最近,中国塑料板凳意外地在海外火了。 纽约唐人街的一片停车场,出现了一处让人意想不到的“网红打卡地”,吸引了众多游客和本地居民,甚至不少名人前来一探究竟。纽约邮报甚至称它为 “最新潮的夜生活去处” (scene-iest nightspot) 。 现在纽约最火的地方是唐人街的停车场:能喝酒,有气氛,摆满塑料椅子 图源:纽约邮报 Recently, an unexpected 'Instagram-Worthy Location' suddenly emerged in a parking lot in New York's Chinatown, attracting many tourists and local residents, as well as numerous celebrities eager to check it out. 这片停车场位于运河街和福赛斯街的交汇处,紧邻一间酒吧,而让它成为网红地的关键——居然是一排五颜六色的塑料板凳。 网友:以为是我家楼下大排档,没想到是纽约。 After the go-to spot, located at the corner of Canal and Forsyth, opened as Time Again in late May, it quickly beca