上海市日前发布通知称,优化新出让商品住房用地中小套型住房建筑面积标准。上海多层、小高层、高层建筑的商品住房中小套型住房建筑面积标准分别从原来的90平方米、95平方米和100平方米调整为100平方米、110平方米和120平方米。 A construction crew works at a housing project in Shanghai in June. WANG GANG/FOR CHINA DAILY The Shanghai government revised the definition of small and medium-sized apartment categories on Tuesday, with the standard gross floor area of flats in both categories now being expanded by 20 square meters at most. 上海市政府8月27日调整了中小套型住房建筑面积标准,相较之前最高上调20平方米。 "The new criteria will give real estate developers more free play to optimize home designs in accordance with market needs, and it also echoes the new trend that homebuyers want more spacious and comfortable rooms," said Yan Yuejin, vice-president of the Shanghai E-Hous