专栏名称: 社会学理论大缸
网址www.sociologicaltheory.cn以抢二道贩子饭碗为目标,传达学习Sociological Theory等英文期刊前沿经典有关精神,抓好摘译推送中心工作,把推动汉语社会学理论发展作为根本遵循、行动指南和精神动力个屁。
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社会学理论大缸  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2019-09-25 12:38
荐读:Reed, I. A. (2019). Performative State-Formation in the Early American Republic. American Sociological Review, 84(2), 334–367. IntroducationPerformative Dimension有什么用?这篇文章要解决什么问题? this article argues that state-formation has a performative dimension: the initial accumulation of state power occurs, inpart, through “state by demonstration.” In this dimension of the accumulation of power,the publicity of thewould-be state’s acts of violence and coercion, and the variable interpretation of these acts (including, as part of interpretation, the attribution of such acts to the state), are paramount to a state’s success (or failure) and developing character. If the would-be state is compelling and convincing, tocertain audiences, in its execution of violence on certain targets, then itachieves a certain felicity condition. Reed认 ………………………………

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