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中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-04-27 14:19
4月26日晚,华南师范大学发布《情况说明》。近日,网络和媒体发布有关华南师范大学文学院要求毕业生手抄毕业论文的消息,引发广泛关注和讨论。学校高度重视,立即深入开展调查核实。In recent days, the requirement from the School of Literature at South China Normal University for graduates to handwrite their graduation theses has sparked widespread attention and discussion. South China Normal University responded to this issue on Friday, clarifying that the online rumor claiming that "handwriting theses are linked to teacher certification and student graduation" is untrue. Instead, it is simply a tradition of the School of Literature.华南师范大学在说明中表示,手抄本科毕业论文是该校文学院长期以来的传统之一。据核实,上级部门的相关文件、学校和文学院的师范生培养方案,均无将手抄本科毕业论文与师范认证、学生毕业绑定的规定和要求 ………………………………

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