“现在回想起来,都还是感觉非常后怕。 ” 11月7日,东西湖某企业财务人员肖女士在工作期间,被企业内“领导”的微信拉入到一个群内,“领导”声称因公司业务需要,要求其将公司资金转到指定的对公账户内。 由于其微信头像、昵称均与实际公司领导一致,肖女士也没多想,便按照其要求向该对公账户内转账55万元。 In November, Ms Xiao was instructed by a fraudster posing as one of her employers to transfer 550,000 yuan to a designated corporate account for business purposes. Believing the individual's WeChat profile matched her actual company leader, she complied without much hesitation. 被骗款账单。图源:长江日报 转账后,肖女士找领导核对时发现被骗,立即向 武汉市东西湖区 三店派出所报警。 Later, when she double-checked with her actual boss, she realized she had been scammed and reported it to the police station. scam /skæ