现在刷短视频已经成为一种主流娱乐方式,很多人每天都刷到无法自拔。然而研究发现,刷短视频,尤其是不断地快进或跳过视频,事实上会让人感觉更无聊。 Browsing videos on TikTok or YouTube can be a hit-and-miss affair, with gems lurking amid mediocre efforts. But researchers have found that switching to another video, or skipping forwards and backwards in the same one, actually makes people more bored. 刷短视频就是在碰运气,刷半天或许可以刷到一个有趣的视频。但是研究人员发现,不断地切换视频,跳到下一个,或者返回上一个视频重复观看,事实上会让人感到更加无聊。 Dr Katy Tam at the University of Toronto Scarborough, the lead author of the research, said boredom was closely linked to attention. 该研究的首席作者、多伦多大学士嘉堡校区的凯蒂·塔姆博士表示,这种无聊感和专注度密切相关。 "We feel bored when there's a gap b