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中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-28 11:32


记者从江苏省苏州市人民政府了解到,在江苏苏州“6·24”持刀伤人事件中,挺身而出阻止犯罪嫌疑人袭击妇女儿童的伤者胡友平26日因伤重离世,苏州市已认定其见义勇为行为,正按程序追授其苏州市“见义勇为模范”称号。 Hu Youping, the Chinese woman who courageously intervened to prevent a criminal from harming a Japanese mother and child, has passed away despite rescue efforts, according to an announcement released by the Suzhou Public Security Bureau in Jiangsu province on Friday morning. The Suzhou High-tech Zone Management Committee is currently submitting an application for her and has requested the city government to posthumously confer the title of "Model of Righteousness and Courage in Suzhou" upon her. 6月24日16时许,苏州市高新区塔园路新地中心公交站台发生一起持刀伤人案件,造成3人受伤,其中1人为中国籍,2人为日本籍,犯罪嫌疑人被迅速制服。 ………………………………

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