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中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-08-12 21:00


今日热词 贫困地区考生 students from impoverished regions 近日,北京大学在河南省招录“国家专项计划”过程中“退档”两名河南考生受到社会舆论关注。 Peking University is supposed to enroll eight impoverished students from Henan province this year. However, the university decided not to enroll the students in the seventh and eighth places because their grades, 542 and 536, respectively, were much lower than the other six students, with the student in sixth place scoring 667 in the college entrance exam.  北京大学2019年计划在河南省贫困地区专项招生8人。 但是,第7名考生考分为542分,第8名考生考分为536分,远低于第6名考生的667分,因此,北京大学决定对第7名、第8名考生予以退档。 The university said it decided not to enroll the two students because "it would be hard for ………………………………

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