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中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-02-16 14:35


当地时间14日, 《哪吒2》在美国上映,一票难求。 两位奥斯卡评委观影后 接受采访,不但热情输出了对吒儿的喜爱,还喊话导演饺子,希望《哪吒2》可以角逐奥斯卡奖!  奥斯卡奖评委: 期待《哪吒2》角逐奥斯卡,我会投票!  奥斯卡奖评委、 南加州大学动画研究与实践项目主任希拉·索菲安表示,自己看过前作《哪吒1》,原本以为续作也是同样的水准,没想到《哪吒2》在制作设计、音效、音乐等方面更上一层楼。 “我一直沉浸其中,全神贯注。” Because I had already seen the previous film, I thought and expected it at the same level, which is brilliant. But this grows even higher in terms of production design, sound design and music. And all the twists and turns kept me guessing the entire time, so I was very, very engaged sort of on the edge of my seat the whole time. 对于文化差异是否会影响观影体验, 希拉·索 ………………………………

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