Video by Lin Songtao On Saturday, international vloggers invited by EyeShenzhen, the city's official multilingual portal, embarked on a journey to explore Shenzhen's unique blend of tradition and modernity. The tour of various tourist attractions provided them with a deeper understanding of the city's rich history and highlighted the seamless convenience of its advanced technology. 上周六,一行外国博主踏上了游览深圳的短途之旅,深度探索这座城市传统与现代的完美融合。他们穿梭于深圳的各大旅游景点之间,不仅深刻领略了深圳丰富的历史文化背景,还亲身体验了先进科技为日常生活带来的便捷服务。 Despite the rainy day, the vloggers found the trip unforgettable, reminiscent of the ambiance created by the recently concluded rainy opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics along the Seine. 尽管当日大雨倾盆,给旅途增添了几分不期而遇的挑战,但他们却纷纷表示,这次旅行因雨