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Customs Policy Update ( November 2018 )

毕马威KPMG  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-12-12 19:21
Monthly Update on Customs Policies, November 2018State Council’s Decision on Continuing and Improving the Existing Policies on Cross-Border E-Commerce Retail Imports At its executive meeting held on 21 November, the State Council decided to continue and improve the existing policies on cross-border e-commerce retail imports. On 29 November, the Ministry of Finance, the General Administration of Customs and the State Administration of Taxation issued the Notice on Improving the Tax Policies on Cross-border E-commerce Retail Imports (Cai Guan Shui No.49 [2018]), which includes the following:Starting from 1 January 2019, the current policies regulating cross-border e-commerce retail imports will continue. First-time cross-border e-commerce retail imports will not be subject to licensing, registration or filing requirements and will instead be regulated as imports for personal use. ………………………………

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