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Consumers to gain as foreign firms access many sectors

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2022-05-06 11:07
China is taking solid steps to boost foreign trade and accelerate the building of a unified domestic market that is efficient, rules-based, open, and encourages fair competition. These have been strengthening foreign companies' confidence to develop their businesses in China. Previously, China Daily dialed Fonterra and Bayer to collect their reflections on recent years' business environment in China. In this episode, we spoke with three additional multinational executives. The first call was made to the Chinese branch of BSH Home Appliances — the largest home appliance manufacturer headquartered in Europe.▲ Alexander Dony, president of BSH Home Appliances Greater China Alexander Dony, president of BSH Home Appliances Greater China, said that China's growth prospects are supported by its complete industrial chain, rich human resources, convenient infrastructure, and a huge domestic market. China's willingness to further open up denotes that foreign companies will ………………………………

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