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中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-02-21 15:59


她是《哪吒之魔童降世》 和《哪吒之魔童闹海》中 那个桀骜不羁、充满力量的小哪吒 背后的声音。 从接到角色到完美呈现, 吕艳婷用声音赋予哪吒灵魂, 演绎了一个逆天改命的传奇角色; 也在职业生涯中 找到了让自己绽放的舞台。 配音演员、四川电影电视学院播音主持学院副教授吕艳婷,受访人供图 最近,吕艳婷接受《Z言Z语》栏目专访 分享了配音的幕后与心得 戳视频一起来看 ↓↓↓ She is the voice behind the iconic character Nezha in the record-breaking Chinese animated film  Ne Zha 2 . From landing the role to delivering a flawless performance, Lyu Yanting used her voice to breathe life into Nezha, portraying a legendary character who defies fate. In the process, she also discovered a stage where she could truly shine. Lyu, a voice actor and associate professor at Sichuan Film and Television University, recently sat down with us for an exclusive i ………………………………

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