8月26日下午,潘展乐、徐嘉余和郑思维等8名温州运动员同回到了温州体校,探望学弟学妹们, 没想到遭遇了学弟学妹们的“围追堵截”。 大家都太热情了,都围着运动健儿们拍照、签名、提问题。 Eight athle tes including Pan Zhanle, Xu Jiayu, and Zheng Siwei returned to the Wenzhou Sports School o n Monday to visit their junior fellow students. They were met with an enthusiastic reception as the students "surrounded and intercepted" them. Everyone wanted to take photos and get autographs with them . 面对涌来的人群,1米92的大男孩不时用手挡眼捂脸,埋头在师兄徐嘉余的身后,主打一个“只要我看不见,你们就看不见我”。 一群活泼可爱的学弟学妹们手拿笔和本子,争相向奥运冠军索要签名。潘展乐和徐嘉余乐得合不拢嘴,这两个大男孩拿起手机,一边跑一边录像,笑声不断。 同学们更加兴奋,追在他们身