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中国日报双语新闻  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-21 14:50


“你看这耳朵灰的”“这发际线在抖”“然后你看那边一直在闪”…… "You see the gray shade of the ear?" "The hairline is shaking." "And over there, it keeps flickering..." 看着银幕上正在播放的胶片电影,朱思滢满眼都是记者根本注意不到的瑕疵。作为一名电影修复师,敏锐的眼力算是她的基本功。 As she watched the film projected on the screen, Zhu Siying's sharp eyes caught flaws that a layperson would easily miss. As a film preservationist, keen observation is a fundamental skill. 朱思滢(右)给记者(左)指出画面中的瑕疵 年代久远的电影胶片,往往存在着灰尘、霉斑、闪烁等各种问题,因此需要借助数字修复技术“修旧如旧”,恢复被损耗的影像。即便如今有人工智能技术的辅助,这份工作的复杂程度仍然超乎大多数人的想象。 Aging film stock often suffers from a range of issues including dust, mildew and flickering. These ………………………………

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