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三头六臂跨境电商联盟  · 公众号  · 跨境电商  · 2017-08-15 20:00
前段时间小编发了一篇《亚马逊、ebay账号和paypal账号因侵权被冻结了怎么办?》,警告大家要注意平台这方面的动向,果不其然,近日,内容如下的邮件在卖家圈疯传,以致于很多卖家开始担心自己账号资金的安危问题。Hello from Amazon, We are writing to inform you that the restrained funds from your seller account have been transferred to the rights owner account. We took this action in accordance with a Permanent Injunction issued by a federal court. Items that infringe another party's copyright, patent, trademark, design right, database right, or other intellectual property or other proprietary right are prohibited. For more information on this policy, search on “Prohibited Content” in seller Help. To resolve this dispute, we suggest that you contact the rights owner directly.从以上的邮 ………………………………

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