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W. J. T. Mitchell: Metapictures

OCAT研究中心  · 公众号  ·  · 2022-12-28 17:47
Metapictures: Images and the Discourse of TheoryAuthorW. J. T. MitchellTranslated ByTang HongfengLanguageChinese, EnglishPrice¥65.00PublisherHorizon Books/Shanghai People's Publishing HouseISBN978-7-208-17908-0What is a metapicture? It could be Aby Warburg’s Mnemosyne Bilderatlas, Poussin’s Golden Calf, the well-versed Duck-Rabbit, and it is in fact any image that raises the fundamental questions of what is a image; what are their relations to language; how are they created, produced, reproduced; and how do they affect the beholders. Among all the endeavors of transforming image into subiectum, the identification of metapictures is a milestone, accentuating the agency of image, serving itself as a methodology and a device through which the meaning is searched and the theory is constructed.This book is opened with a survey of the trajectory of how Iconology has evolved since its birth in the early 20th century, followed by an investigation of images across media with a special focu ………………………………

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