在欧文·亚隆的《当尼采哭泣》里读到一段很动人的话,分享给正身处困境的朋友: 🌗 Ask yourself, ‘Who are the secure ones, the comfortable, the eternally cheerful?’ I’ll tell you the answer: only those with dull vision—the common people and the children! ‘谁是无忧无虑的人,并享受安逸又永恒的快乐?’ 我来告诉你答案:只有那些见事不明的人,那些普通人跟小孩子! “You say, Professor Nietzsche, that growth is the reward of pain——” 你是说,尼采教授,成长是痛苦的回报。 Nietzsche interrupted. “No, not just growth. There is also strength. A tree requires stormy weather if it is to attain a proud height. And creativity and discovery are begotten in pain. Here, allow me to quote myself from my notes of just a few days ago.” 尼采打断他:“不对,不只是成长,还有力量。如果一棵树要达到一个自豪的高度,它需要狂风暴雨的气候。创造与