当地时间13日,美国太空探索技术公司(SpaceX)“星舰”在得克萨斯州第5次试飞,发射塔的机械臂成功夹住了返回地面的超级重型火箭“Super Heavy”助推器。这也是星舰实现成为完全可重复使用火箭系统目标的一个重要里程碑。 SpaceX completed its fifth test flight of its giant Starship rocket on Sunday, achieving the return of its booster back on the launch pad. The rocket's "Super Heavy" booster returned to land several minutes after launch. The company used the arms of its launch tower to catch the booster, a major milestone toward SpaceX's goal of making Starship a fully reusable rocket system. 图源:路透社 美国东部时间早上8:25,近400英尺高的火箭从SpaceX位于 得 克萨斯州布朗斯维尔附近的发射场点火升空。位于最高处第一级的上面级星舰载具即“Super Heavy”助推器,其能够将超过100公吨的重量送上轨道。 At 8:25 am Eastern time, the rocket,