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字节跳动再诉特朗普政府:出售限期将至,禁令何去何从?丨ByteDance challenges Trump's order

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2020-11-12 12:45
导读 近日,字节跳动在美国法院提起诉讼,申请叫停特朗普在8月14日颁发的总统令。美国财政部对此做出回应。The US Treasury Department said on Wednesday it wants a resolution of national security concerns it has raised over China-based ByteDance's acquisition of US social media app Musical.ly, which it then merged into video-sharing app TikTok.The statement came a day after ByteDance filed a petition with the US Court of Appeals in Washington challenging a Trump administration order set to take effect on Thursday requiring it to divest TikTok unless it can reach agreement with US regulators or win an extension."The Treasury Department remains focused on reaching a resolution of the national security risks arising from ByteDance's acquisition of Musical.ly," Treasury spokeswoman Monica Crowley said. "We have been clear with ByteDance regardi ………………………………

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