郑钦文在巴黎奥运会上创造历史后,成为公众关注焦点,而关于她在 生活饮食上极度 自律的话题也多次登上热搜。 此前有媒体报道,郑钦文的启蒙教练陈宏鸣曾爆料, 在他的印象里,郑钦文从来不吃零食,也不喝饮料。一年360天吃鸡胸肉西蓝花,每天凌晨4点半起床训练。 After her historic performance at the Paris Olympics, Zheng Qinwen captured public attention, sparking discussions about her strict lifestyle and diet. Earlier media reports suggested that Zheng, as described by her mentor Chen Hongming, abstains from snacks and drinks. Allegedly, she eats chicken breast and broccoli daily, starting her training at 4:30 am. 图源:新华社 据体育媒体记者@网球笨豆 24日消息,他向郑钦文求证了“每年360天吃鸡胸肉西蓝花”的传言,对此,郑钦文斩钉截铁地回答: “不是真的。这怎么可能?” 郑钦文还主动爆料:“我16岁时还喝了