巴黎奥运会开幕点燃了全世界人民的运动激情。在此期间,许多中国品牌,也搭乘奥运之风,纷纷亮相法国街头。近日,中国茶饮品牌霸王茶姬TEA BAR线下快闪惊现巴黎,给巴黎的空气注入一丝茉莉花茶的清甜。 The Paris Olympics has ignited the sporting passion of people worldwide. During this period, many Chinese brands have taken advantage of the Olympics to expand their global image. Chinese tea brand Chagee launched its Tea Bar in Paris recently, injecting a hint of jasmine tea sweetness into the French capital’s air. 谁说东方茶饮在巴黎不受欢迎?看这开业当日排队的架势,给这个勇闯巴黎的新中式茶饮品牌挣足了体面。快闪选址于巴黎圣拉扎尔火车站,开业当日吸引了近2000人排队打卡。 一位在现场品茶的外国游客十分惊讶:“这和我以前喝过的茶都不一样,有茉莉花的香气”,并好奇地向现场工作人员了